Creativity and innovation

Open courses / Open courses


Nowadays everything is happening extremely fast and dynamic. It is expected from us to be one step further than others so we can be more successful. We should be more creative in our work, to offer extraordinary approach, innovative ideas or products. The faster we develop that skill in ourselves the more effective we would be in dealing with rapidly changing business environment that surround us every day.


Topics covered in the training


  • What is creativity and how to cultivate it in the organization?
  • Creativity – factors, processes and stages
  • Creative way to solve different problems
  • Methods you can use to stimulate creativity and innovations in the organization
  • We have got an innovative idea – now what?

Participants are going to master minimum three methods that stimulates the creative process – brainstorming, moderation method, the six thinking hats by de Bono and many others.




The fee includes - textbook and materials for the training.



  • For early signing – discount 10 %
  • For more than three signed participants from one organization during the year – 5%
  • For more than seven signed participants from one organization during the year – 10%
  • For more than fifteen signed participants from one organization during the year – 15%


The trainings are conducted in the education center of Together located on the following addres:

Sofia - 1407, 76 James Baucher blvd, office 425
tel. 02/ 8164 820, Mobile: 0885 353 261 Ltd. - Together we can do more

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Together 2009 ® / created by Remembrand design