“World Cafe” Carrefour Bulgaria

Specialized trainings /

1. Name of the project and the client:

Organizing and facilitating the Carrefour Bulgaria’s First National Management Meeting.


2. Number – training type and group description

One hundred and twenty (120) managers and specialists from Carrefour Bulgaria took part in the event.

It was conducted on 15.12.2009 in Sofia.


3. Our approach


After discussions with HR representatives, Together’s team decided to use the World Café method as the most appropriate for our clients needs. 


The event turned into a place for inspiring discussions and ambitious plans for company’s projects. The type World Café provokes creative decisions which are born from the employees, meeting different departments of the company -  the one, who are facing the challenges every day.

4. Recommendation (in bulgarian)

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Together 2009 ® / created by Remembrand design