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Open courses / Train the trainers (ToT)
Имаме удоволствието да ви поканим да участвате в едно специално обучение - форум за обмен на знания и опит между треньори с желание за споделяне и продължаващо учене. В рамките на три дни – 27, 28 и 29 септември, ще демонстрираме техниките #World Cafe,, #LivingBook, #OpenSpaceTechnology, #FutureSearchWorkshop и ще дадем практически насоки-как и къде можете да ги използвате в работата си. Подробности може да намерите ТУК.
За повече информация и записвания, можете да се свържете с нас на office@zaedno-bg.com или да се обадите на 0888775710, Драгомира Шулева.
Training of trainers – Modul 3 – Perpetuum mobile of the company
Open courses / Train the trainers (ToT)
On the 28 - 29th of August 2014
Training of trainers – Modul 2 – Ensuring sustainability of success
Open courses / Train the trainers (ToT)
On the 21-22nd of August 2014
Training of trainers - Modul 1 - Ladder of success
Open courses / Train the trainers (ToT)
On the 14-15th of August 2014
Creativity and innovation
On the 9- th and 10-th of July 2014
Coaching skills for managers
On the 3rd and 4th of July 2014
How to manage my team effectively?
On the 12-th of December 2013
How to delegate?
On the 21-th of November 2013
How to solve conflicts?
On the 11-12th of November 2013
How to conduct meetings for performance apraisal?
On the 24-th of October 2013
How to negotiate effectively?
On the 20-21-th of October 2014
Management Skills
Specialized trainings / Management skills
Мanagement skills are key factors for retention, motivation and development of peopl ein their teams
Five levels for training' impact evaluation - How to use it?
Open courses / Train the trainers (ToT)
On the 30-th of September 2013
What is my leadership style and how to develop it further?
On the 11-th of September 2013
How the time will work for me?
On the 13-th of August 2013
How to develop my presentation skills?
On the 7-th of August 2013
Project management
Open courses / Xpert personal business skills
On the 24-th and 25-th of July 2013
Leadership skills
On the 19-th and 22-th of July 2013
How to be successful in sales?
On the 10-th of July 2013
Coaching skills for managers
On the 26-th and 27-th of June 2013
Method – Living Book
Open courses / Train the trainers (ToT)
On the 20-th of June 2013
Creativity and innovation
On the 12-th and 13-th of June 2013
Training needs analysis
Open courses / Train the trainers (ToT)
On the 4th of June 2013
Method – Future Search Workshop
Open courses / Train the trainers (ToT)
On the 16-th of May 2013
Negotiation skills
Open courses / Xpert personal business skills
On the 13-th and 14-th of May 2013
Conflict management
Open courses / Xpert personal business skills
On the 8-th and 9-th of May 2013
Method – World Cafe
Open courses / Train the trainers (ToT)
On the 30-th of April 2013
How to delegate?
On the 28-th of March 2013
Presentation skills
Open courses / Xpert personal business skills
On the 20-th and 21-th of March 2013
Five levels for training' impact evaluation - How to use it?
Open courses / Train the trainers (ToT)
On the 13-th of March 2013
Training needs analysis
Open courses / Train the trainers (ToT)
On the 12-th of March 2013
Sales skills
Open courses / Xpert personal business skills
On the 27-th and 28-th of February 2013
Sales skills
Open courses / Xpert personal business skills
On the 21-th and 22-th of February 2013
How to run successfil projects?
On the 20-th of February 2013
Team building and management
Open courses / Xpert personal business skills
On the 29-th and 30-th of January 2013
Time management
Open courses / Xpert personal business skills
On the 16-th and 17-th of January 2013
Conflict management
Open courses / Xpert personal business skills
On the 4th and 5th of December 2012
Presentation skills
Open courses / Xpert personal business skills
On the 29-th and 30-th of November 2012
Negotiation skills
Open courses / Xpert personal business skills
On the 7th and 8th of November 2012
Creativity and innovation
On the 10-th and 11-th of October 2012
Leadership skills
On the 26th and 27th of September 2012
Time management
Open courses / Xpert personal business skills
On the 11th and 12th of September 2012
Team building and management
Open courses / Xpert personal business skills
On the 14-th and 15-th of August 2012
Presentation skills
Open courses / Xpert personal business skills
On the 24-th and 25-th of July 2012
Sales skills
Open courses / Xpert personal business skills
On the 18-th and 19-th of July 2012
Coaching skills for managers
On the 27th and 28th of June 2011
"Unleash the power within" with Anthony Robbins 18-21 of May 2012
May 8 - 21, 2012, live in London
Leadership skills
On the 16th and 17th of May 2012
Conflict management
Open courses / Xpert personal business skills
On the 14th and 15th of May 2012
Time management
Open courses / Xpert personal business skills
On the 8th and 9th of May 2012
Negotiation skills
Open courses / Xpert personal business skills
On the 28th and 29th of March 2012
Creativity and innovation
On the 20-th and 21-th of March 2012
Team building and management
Open courses / Xpert personal business skills
On the 07th and 08th of March 2012
Project management
Open courses / Xpert personal business skills
On the 20-th and 21-th of February 2012
Time management
Open courses / Xpert personal business skills
On the 19-th and 20-th of January 2012
Negotiating, discussing and arguing your case
Open courses / Xpert personal business skills
On the 12th and 13th of December 2011
Successful sales talks
Open courses / Xpert personal business skills
On the 18th and 19th of Octomber 2011
Coaching competencies training for managers
Coaching / Professional coaching training
On the 10th and 11th of Octomber 2011
Public speaking
Open courses / Xpert personal business skills
On the 27-th and 28-th of September 2011
Successful development and leading of teams
Open courses / Xpert personal business skills
On the 23-th and 24-th of August 2011
Living book - Intervision group seminar
Specialized trainings / Living Book
26-th of July 2011г.
Conflict management
Open courses / Xpert personal business skills
On the 21th and 22th of July 2011
Negotiating, discussing and arguing your case
Open courses / Xpert personal business skills
On the 15th and 16th of June 2011
Time management
Open courses / Xpert personal business skills
On the 18th and 19th of May 2011
Successful sales talks
Open courses / Xpert personal business skills
On the 19th and 20th of April 2011
Public speaking
Open courses / Xpert personal business skills
On the 30-th and 31-th of March 2011
Successful project organization and implementation
Open courses / Xpert personal business skills
On the 15-th and 16-th of February 2011
Negotiating, discussing and arguing your case
Open courses / Xpert personal business skills
On the 12th and 13th of February 2011
Conflict management
Open courses / Xpert personal business skills
On the 22th and 23th of January 2011
Time management
Open courses / Xpert personal business skills
On the 07th and 08th of December 2010
Training of trainers
Open courses / Train the trainers (ToT)
Open courses / Train the trainers (ToT)
Management skills
DSK Bank
How to delegate for managers
CEZ Distribution Bulgaria
Event “How to accept the mission both with mind and hearth” for BILLA Bulgaria
BILLA Bulgaria
MySuccess - My Success in Retail
Specialized trainings / Living Book
28-th and 29-th of April 2010
My success - Practical experience from the TOP managers in Bulgaria
28-th and 29-th of April 2010
Successful project organization and implementation
Open courses / Xpert personal business skills
15th - 16th March 2010
Martenitsa factory
Dear colleagues and friends, this year TOGETHER Ltd. made martenitsas again on 26-th (Friday) and 27-th (Saturday) February 2010
We enjoyed and connected TOGETHER the crewels for health and hope for upcoming spring.
Conflict management
Open courses / Xpert personal business skills
Development of skills for consultative selling
BILLA Bulgaria
Leading recruitment interview Skills
Henkel Bulgaria
Manager skills and human resource development
Carlsberg Bulgaria
“World Cafe” Carrefour Bulgaria
Carrefour Bulgaria
Middle Management Development Program for EPIQ Electronic Assembly
EPIQ Electronic Assembly
Customer service skills and communication
Chronika AD
Successful development and leading of teams
Open courses / Xpert personal business skills
Negotiating, discussing and arguing your case
Open courses / Xpert personal business skills
Creation of systems for development of Human Resources
Yantar 21
Time management
Open courses / Xpert personal business skills
Developing of organizational structure and job descriptions
Destination Bulgaria
Successful sales talks
Open courses / Xpert personal business skills
Succesful project organization and implementation
Open courses / Xpert personal business skills
Discussions for internal communication - World Cafe Method
Financial Supervision Comission
Leadership skills
Management skills for development of teams and communication
Caven Orbico
Development of presentation skills
ABB Bulgaria