Successful sales talks

Open courses / Xpert personal business skills


Employees that can lead succesful sales talks and deal with hard customers are very important for every company. They must present with confidence not only their product but also themselves in order to seal the deal. The module "Successful sales talks" gives knowledge about the methods and philosophy of the sales talks and offers exercises for the application of techniques for asking questions, for presentation, for work with reclamations, for naming the price and finishing the sale.



 Topics covered in the training:


  • The "funnel" type of sale
  • Learning the necessities of the customers in order to consult them properly
  • Effective ways of presenting offers
  • Posisive formulation
  • Dealing with customer's complains
  • Identifying signals for readiness to buy
  • Support and developent of long-term business contacts

If you would like to see the XPBS program for 2011 - please click HERE.




The fee includes - textbook and materials for the training.

The first taking of the test for certificate is included in the fee.




For more than two signed participants from one organization – 5%

If you attend five modules, the sixth is free.

For early signing – discount 10 %



The trainings are conducted in the education center of Together located on the following addres:

Sofia - 1407, 76 James Baucher blvd, office 427
tel. 02/ 8164 820, Mobile: 0885 353 261

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