Specialized trainings


Developing of organizational structure and job descriptions

1. Name of the project:


Developing of organizational structure and job descriptions


2. Number and type of trainings and targeted group


Two trainings for key employees from "Destination Bulgaria" duruing July and Nocember 2009


3. Our methods of approach


The project was initiated by the manager of the company Mr. Stefan Cankov in order to create and develop a system for human resource management in the organization and included investment in key employees of "Destination Bulgaria:"


The first activity for the project was the conduction if interviews with ten key employees in the organization and the result of that was a one-day seminar on the topic "Mission and vision of Destination Bulgaria" for one and five years ahead. We managed to formulate short and long term goals for execution and some of the most actual tasks were creating job descriptions, new organizational structure, internal regulations and additional agreements to the contracts.


This process continued between the first and second training which were in July, August and a third one in September which included meeting with the manager. Together we developed job descriptions, new organizational structure, internal regulations and additional agreements to the contracts.


The information regarding the new "architecture" of the management of human resources will be introduced on a seminar, scheduled for the end of november. We plan to expand that project furthurmore.

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