How to delegate for managers
1. Title of the project:
“How to Delegate” training for managers from CEZ Bulgaria, CEZ Distribution Department
2. Number – Kind of the training and group description
The group was from 12 managers - middle management level- from different company
departments and sectors. This two-days seminar was part of a program for management
skills development in CEZ. It was conducted at July 2010, in Ribaritsa.
3. Our approach
This training came second. The first one was the Communication Skills training which took
place in December 2009. Participants were very diverse by age, management level and
training experience.
After preliminary interviews and meetings with managers and Human Resources
representatives we prepared specialized training programme.
The training was very practical oriented with a lot of case studies and interactive games, self
estimate questionary, etc. Some of the main aspects were:
-the meaning of delegating as successful leading, motivation and people development;
-effective communication in teams, rules for giving and receiving feedback;
-different models of delegating and how they to put them into practice;
-situational leadership.
After the training, we sent additional materials and “homework” with delegating tasks as
follow up of our work together.
4. Pictures